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Everything is Possible





Everything is Possible

There are two final qualities of distinguished leadership that I want to share with you today. These may be the most important qualities of all and how lucky we are that both are a fundamental part of our Chinese culture---something we all learn from our parents virtually from the day we are born.

First is Perseverance. I'm talking about simple hard work and a commitment to stay the course even when times are tough. In today's fast-pace business environment, unexpected challenges come at you from all directions, with no end in sight. Sometimes I read articles about myself and my career path and it makes it sound so easy. But believe me, it hasn't been easy for a single day.Veda Salon I work far harder now than I ever have in my life. I've had to embrace constant change, and every time I think I've finally mastered the situation a new challenge comes along I hadn't anticipated.

There will be many days when the challenges each of you confront will seem. We all have those days; they go with the territory when you are trying to achieve something great.

Perseverance and hard work will see you through the tough times. My parents instilled these qualities in me and it has made all the Veda Salon difference. Sometimes I watch young Americans quit when things are difficult, and I always advice them try again... and again... and again. Never give up until you achieve your goal. That's what distinguishes those who make it to the top from those who don't.



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